App's and Links
Below you will find the apps that can be used while playing at Lansil Golf Club please download them from either the App store or Google Play Store
after gaining your handicap.
This platform will allow you to see all the results from the comps that have ran within the club. This will also help link your account IF you have a Handicap index.
Once downloaded you will need to register with the same email address you have given to the club for us to get in contact with you. If you have a Howdidido account then you can login using the same details for you account, (all of these emails must be the same for the systems to link all of them together)
This app is for golfers who have a handicap index.
You will need your CDH number to register for an account/use the app. This app shows you how and what scores have been considered to calculate your Handicap index. There are also a few good features on there, like working out your course handicap for any course in England.